Millcreek 15' (Started 10 October 2000- Completed 10 January 2001)

#1 Bottom Scarf Joint
#2 Bilge Panel Scarf Joint
#3 Side Panels
#4 Aft Hatch Glued and Clamped
#5 Forward Hatch Glued and Clamped
#6 Gluing the Shearclamps to the Side Panels
#7 Lots of Clamps
#8 Starting to Wire the Bilge Panels to the Bottom
#9 Bow Wired
#10 Inside the Bow
#11 Forward Hatch Glued
#12 Aft Hatch Glued
#13 All Wired and Ready for Filleting
#14 All Wired and Ready for Filleting
#15 Stern Wired
#16 Inside Cockpit Aft Bulkhead and Knees
#17 Inside the Bow Where Everything Comes Together
#18 Bilge Panels and Side Panels Wired
#19 Knee Supports and Fiberglass Tape and Fillets
#20 Fiberglass and Epoxy has been applied to Bottom (bottom view)
#21 Fiberglass and Epoxy has been applied to Bottom (side view)
#22 Closeup of Bow after the Bottom has been Glassed
#23 Rubstrip Applied to Bow
#24 Rubstrip Again (extra layer of fiberglass tape)
#25 Stearn Rubstrip (can barely see it)
#26 Seatback Assembled and Coated with Epoxy
#27 Seatbottom Assembled and Coated with Epoxy
#28 Carlins Installed
#29 Carlins Screwed and Glued to Bulkhead
#30 Carlins Define the Cockpit Opening
#31 Rudder Dryfit Before Deck Installation
#32 Full Length Picture of Millcreek
#33 Bow (see the seams between the bilge panel and the side panel)
#34 Deck Installed
#35 Clamping the Deck to the Carlins
#36 Deck to Carlins from the Aft Side
#37 Deck Installed Overhangs (extra material that needs to be cut away)
#38 Deck at the Bow (I cut the deck using a RotoZip and flush laminate cutter)
#39 Deck Trimmed
#40 Caoming Installed and Clamped
#41 Aft Hatch Hole
#42 Forward Hatch Hole
#43 Aft Hatch in Place
#49 Rudder Placed After Deck Installed
#44 Full Length View with Deck Installed
#45 Deck Installed and Epoxy Coated
#46 Coaming Around the Cockpit Sanded and Epoxied
#47 Forward Support of the Coaming is a Decorative Wood Block (notice the plywood layers)
#48 Aft Deck Gleaming Around Hatch
#49 Forward Deck Gleaming Around Hatch
#50 Forward Deck Gleaming
#51 Full Boat Epoxied and Shining
#52 Now the hard part sand, sand, sand... Before Applying the Finish.
#53 Primed and Ready for Paint
#54 Primed
#55 First Coat of Interlux Brightsides Burgundy Paint
#56 Finished Painting 5 Coats Later
#57 Finished Painting
#58 With the Gray Primer the Paint Went on Purple but was finally a bright burgundy
#59 Finally Finished optional hatches, brass eye straps, compass and rudder installed
#60 Aft end of the boat
#61 Boat on top leaving my shop

Estimated Completion Date: January 7th or January 14th, 2001.

More Photos To Come....


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