Installing Borland 5.5 C++ Free edition and implementing OpenGL
Everything you need to implement OpenGL using Borland 5.5 C++ is here
along with a couple of test programs. All the files are available for
download "here".
Download the following file from Borland:
freecommandLinetools.exe Download Size (8.7MB)
Click on the file you just downloaded to install the command line compiler.
After you've installed the command line tools you'll need to setup your
computer to use them properly.
Make sure that the Borland Compiler is setup in your path. In your
"autoexec.bat" the path line should contain the location of the BCC55/BIN
Edit your "autoexec.bat" file and add the following line:
The "autoexec.bat" file is located in the C:\ directory.
In the BORLAND\BCC55\INCLUDE\GL directory. Copy the header file "glut.h".
Copy "glut32.lib" into the BORLAND\BCC55\LIB directory.
Copy "glut32.dll" into the Windows\System directory.
Copy the two (2) 'standard' .cfg files into BORLAND\BCC55\BIN directory the compiler so it knows which
directory to look for the include and library files.
Copy the file called "bcc32.cfg" into \BIN.
Next, copy the file called "ilink32.cfg" in the \BIN directory. This
tells the linker where to look for the libraries.
Restart the computer so that the new path is loaded. (If you didn't
already know, putting the BCC55\BIN in the 'path' means that you can
run any program from that directory without 'being' in that directory.)
Open up an MS-DOS window (or a console window, if you're using
WindowsNT/Windows2000). Make a new directory somewhere on your
C:\ drive called "test".
Download the following test programs into the directory "test"
you just created on your C:\ drive.
Type "BCC32", if the compiler runs - giving you a list of its commands
then you have setup the path correctly. If it doesn't then check your
"autoexec.bat" file to confirm that the path was setup correctly.
Test the compiler using the simple example program source code in the
test directory "program1.cpp" by entering the following to compile the
C:\>bcc32 program1.cpp glut32.lib
This compiles and links the program.
The program will be compiled and the BCC32 will automatically invoke
the linker and link the glut32.lib with your program. The standard
libraries are always linked - so you don't need to worry about those.
You may have numerous warnings and things that look like errors, don't
worry about compiler warnings - it's only the errors you need to possible
Try to run your program by typing:
You should get a new window on your screen.
The code opengl1.cpp is another sample. Compile it the same way:
C:\>bcc32 opengl1.cpp glut.lib
This program opens a window and produces three points.
The code 3dobjects.cpp is another sample. Compile it the same way:
C:\>bcc32 3dobjects.cpp glut.lib
This program opens a window and produces 3 dimensional wireframe objects at the corners of a box with coordinate arrows.

The code 3dscene.cpp is another sample. Compile it the same way:
C:\>bcc32 3dscene.cpp glut.lib
This program opens a window and produces a 3 dimensional scene with shading.
SGI Examples:
"double.c" Example of double buffered program used to animate a rotating square.
"double.exe" Download the executable file and run, to see box rotate, pressing the left mouse button rotates the box, pressing the right mouse button stops the rotation.
This program shows how to composite modeling transformations to draw translated and rotated hierarchical models.
"robot.exe" Download the executable file and run, to see animated robot arm, 's' rotates the first joint, 'e' rotates the elbow joint.
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Bound Resources
Available through your local bookstore or click the link to purchase through Barnes and

OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 1.2

OpenGL Reference Manual, Third Edition: The Official Reference Document to OpenGL, Version 1.2

Interactive Computer Graphics : A Top-Down Approach With OPENGL primer package-2nd Edition

OpenGL SuperBible with Cdrom

Computer Graphics Using OpenGL
Web Resources Lots of information on programming in OpenGL.
Borland Website for access to free compiler or help.
SGI Website for access to sample OpenGL programs and lots of information and help.